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Vedlegg 11: Referanseliste eksisterende undersøkelser vedrørende sunnhetsmerking av matvarer

  1. The European Consumers’ Organisation (BEUC): Discussion Group on Simplified Labelling: Final Report. Simpler labelling for healthier choices-BEUC/X/044/2006.
  2. The European Food Information council (EUFIC) research on labelling
    Phase 1: Getting insights on consumer understanding of nutrition information on food labels motivational aspects. EUFIC Forum 2.
    Phase 2: Identifying the potential of a number of on-pack nutrition communication concepts to engage consumers and help them understand nutrition information on food labels. EUFIC Forum 3.
    Phase 3: Systematic review of consumer understanding of nutrition information of food labels in Europe since 2003.
  3. Grunert KG, Mills JM. A review of European research on consumer response to nutrition information on food labels. Journal of Public Health 2007.
  4. Det svenske nøkkelhullet:
  5. Larson I, Lissner L. The Green Keyhole nutritional campaign in Sweden: do women with more knowledge have better dietary practices? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1996; 50:323-328.
  6. Larson I, Lissner L. The Green Keyhole revisited: nutritional knowledge may influence food selection. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1999. 53:776-780.
  7. Referanser til forbrukerundersøkelser i Sverige om nøkkelhullets:
    • Konsumentundersökning Livsmedelsverket, Statistiska centralbyrån, 2003.
    • Institute of European Food Studies. Pan-EU survey of consumer attitudes to food, nutrition and health. Strain JJ (ed.) Eur J Clin Nutr 1997; 51 (Suppl 2): S1-49.
    • Becker W, Pearson M. Riksmaten 1997-98. Befolkningens kostvanor och näringsintag. Metod- och resultatanalys. Livsmedelsverket, Uppsala 2002.
    • Mæland JG, Aarø LE. Atferdsteori og forebyggende helsearbeid i praxis. Tidskr Nor Lægeforen 1993; 113. 51-5.
    • Roger Gidén Persson. Nyckelhålet. Hur uppfatter unga konsumenter symbolen? Gymnastikk og idrottshogskolan, Stockholm, 2005.
  8. Norsjöprosjekt – en svensk modell för lokalt folkhälsoarbete, 1999
  10. Food Safety Agency, UK:
  11. Sainsbury’s, UK:
  12. YouGov survey on behalf of Sainsbury’s among 2 465 adults during September 2006.
  13. Which?, UK: Healthy signs research. Survey of 636 people representative of shoppers in Great Britain
  14. Tesco, UK:
  15. The Netherlands tripartite classification model for foods by the Netherlands Nutrition Centre. htm